Friday, July 2, 2010

A way to make some wealth while saving the trusted investors

For those that have been following my stocks in the last 2 weeks since I joined Empire Avenue, you will realise that I wanted my investors to sell my stocks. This was when my stock was at 33ish. Come Friday night, it has dropped to 22!!

This was my twitter message when I wanted investors to sell my stock

To most of my close investors, it came as a big surprise and some even wondered whether I had enough of EA. But no, I had assured them that I would be back by the weekend where they can repurchase at a lower price.

Why? You must be wondering why go from being ranked 11th overall to going down to the low 60s! Well, there are a number of reasons and I believe you would use the same tactic in time on EA to make things interesting.

Firstly, I had a lot of work to do in office (it isn't easy running and planning a game company and a publishing house you know) so I had to take my eye off EA completely (though I couldn't but help login about 3 or 4 times just to see how fast my stock was dropping :) ).

Secondly, my stock was expensive, getting 1 or 2 points increase in a day is not something that new investors want. They are greedy and why shouldn't they be. You want to see my stock climb at least 3-7 points like it had been when I was in the 10s and 20s.

Thirdly, my stock was running out, I know, I can get my 3rd purchase and increase my stocks further to 17,500 but thats going to really kill me when I don't have money coming in since very few were investing in my stocks which were around 35-36!

So my reason to anchor my stock for a few days to make sure it drops to a reasonable amount before I join back into Empire Avenue and hustle some investors into making deals. :)

So there you have it. Please also note that I gave personal messages to my most loyal investors to sell as soon as the stock was in the high and I believe most made profits from my shares. I believe that is key thing to do since that shows that my actions come with responsibility.

So the weekend is here and that gives me a bit of time to be on EA and to get my stock going up again. So go ahead, dive in and come ride my wave of success as e(GTS) reaches for the 30s and this time see if we can get into the 40s :)

Have fun.
oh, also, if you haven't read it already, you can see my interview with Duleepa, the CEO of Empire Avenue via this link diGIT Article

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